PRS: Heavy vehicle specialist certification

Correct as at 24th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Introduction PDF logo (8 pages | 242KB)
Main part  PDF logo (40 pages | 354KB)
Technical part   PDF logo (76 pages | 569KB)
Scoring guidelines PDF logo (10 pages | 243KB)

This page contain the master record documents for the performance review system (PRS), not the quality management system (QMS). Do not use these documents if you operate under the QMS.

PRS electronic scoring sheet (version 3.1, June 2009)

Spreadsheet ( 94KB)

PRS scoring sheet (manually complete)PDF logo (2 pages | 56KB)
PRS training recordPDF logo (1 page | 94KB)
PRS complaints recordPDF logo (1 page | 47KB)
PRS technical information recordPDF logo (1 page | 111KB)
PRS staff recordPDF logo (1 page | 114KB)
PRS induction recordPDF logo (1 page | 129KB)
PRS improvement recordPDF logo (1 page | 45KB)
PRS equipment recordPDF logo (1 page | 141KB)
PRS delegation recordPDF logo (1 page | 160KB)
PRS controlled documents recordPDF logo (1 page | 105KB)
Notification of lost or stolen controlled documentsPDF logo (1 page | 52KB)
Notification of vehicle inspector transferPDF logo (1 page | 50KB)

The documents above are editable PDFs which use features available in Adobe Reader 8 or later,
or equivalent (Adobe Reader).