
2 Overview of the manual

The manual is structured into three main parts:

1 Introduction

The introduction explains the duties and responsibilities of the inspecting organisation and vehicle inspector, the inspection and certification process, complaints procedures, inspection premises and equipment, and the appointment of vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations. It also includes definitions and abbreviations, sample certification documents and an improvement suggestion form. The introduction is relevant to all vehicles requiring alternative fuel system inspection and certification.

2 LPG fuel system inspection and certification

This part of the manual covers the requirements for vehicles that use LPG for propulsion.

3 CNG fuel system inspection and certification

This part of the manual covers the requirements for vehicles that use CNG for propulsion. For each inspection item, the inspection requirement pages are mostly divided into two columns. These columns are then broken up into Mandatory equipment, Permitted equipment, Condition and Performance.

Structure of the pages

The Reasons for rejection tab specifies the vehicle defects that must result in the vehicle being rejected for alternative fuel system certification. The condition and performance reasons for rejection apply to mandatory, permitted, and modified equipment, unless otherwise stated. Waka Kotahi has imposed these requirements in accordance with Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002, subclause 2.3(1).

The Summary of legislation tab summarises the legislation that is relevant to in-service inspection and certification.

Tables and images contain tables and illustrations referred to in the Reasons for rejection and Summary of legislation columns.

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