1 May 2021 (WoF only)

VIRM: In-service certification amendment
– effective 1 May 2021

On 1 May 2021 a number of Land Transport Rules are being amended by way of the Amendment (Omnibus) Rules 2021. These are minor or technical amendments to keep the Land Transport Rules up to date with developments and current practice in the road transport sector and are intended to contribute to a safer, more accessible transport system.

As a result of these changes, a small number of amendments need to be made to the in-service and entry VIRMs outside of the usual amendment cycle. The changes themselves are relatively minor but need to be made to make sure the VIRMs are up to date with the rules.

You can view all the changes in one document that shows the changes in ‘tracked changes’ format so you can easily see the amended content.

1 May 2021 Omnibus VIRM changes

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