Takata Alpha airbags recall - update

The compulsory recall period for Takata Alpha airbags ended on 31 December 2019 but these airbags are still under recall. The remaining affected vehicles will be prevented from having a new WoF issued.

Inspectors will be advised through the usual channels (VIRM and portal) when vehicles have been ban-flagged in LANDATA, and will also be advised on what to tell affected vehicle owners.

Until this happens – within the next few weeks – no further action on Alpha airbags is required from inspectors. However, you can now dispose of posters and flyers that were previously provided.

Remember – under the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002, the inspection outcome is required to be recorded before the vehicle leaves the inspecting organisation’s premises. This helps ensure restrictions such as this ban-flag are identified before a new WoF sticker is applied to a vehicle.

Takata non-Alpha airbags are still under voluntary recall and there are currently no plans for non-Alpha airbags to affect WoFs.

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