Correct as at 27th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Alternative fuel system certification > CNG inspection > Cylinder

2-3 Cylinder

Reason for rejection


1. The cylinder’s test date and cylinder testing station identification mark:

a) are missing, or

b) are not legible, or

c) have been altered, or

d) have not been stamped on the container.

2. There are more than five years between the test date stamped on a cylinder and the date of the next alternative fuels inspection.

3. A cylinder shows evidence of impact damage, corrosion, or heating by fire.

Note 1

Cylinder means a pressure vessel, or gas cylinder for the storage of CNG to be used as fuel for an engine.


Figure 2-3-1. Cylinder markings

Summary of legislation

Applicable legislation

1. The cylinder must be stamped with the test date and the identification mark of the cylinder testing station.

2. The date stamp on a cylinder must be within five years of the next alternative fuels inspection.

3. A cylinder must not show evidence of impact damage, corrosion, or heating by fire.