Correct as at 26th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Border inspection of imported used vehicles > Reference materials > Inspection of motorcycles

10 Inspection of motorcycles

Vehicles imported from Australia

Every vehicle imported from Australia will need to have a Personal Property Securities Register (PPSR) certificate downloaded from

If the certificate identifies the vehicle as 'written off' it must be reported as damaged and a copy of the PPSR certificate uploaded into the Border Inspection system.

When inspecting motorbikes the areas to inspect are:

The front forks, and their operation
Steering head area for misalignment
The motorbike frame
 Figure 10-1-1. VIN number location


VIN number is found on the steering head, stamped into the metal.


Figure 10-1-2. Plastic flarings


Modern motorbikes have a lot of plastic flarings covering the frame.

It is important that the inspector check behind these flaring’s for damage.


Figure 10-1-3. Stripped down bike frame



Figure 10-1-4. Check the frame


Check frame for damage

Page amended 29 March 2023 (see amendment details)