Correct as at 19th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Border inspection of imported used vehicles > Reference materials > Procedure for inspecting vehicles ... without having the NZTA border inspection

9 Procedure for inspecting vehicles ... without having the NZTA border inspection

Procedure for inspecting vehicles that have been released from a Customs controlled area (CCA) or MPI transitional facility (TF) without having the Waka Kotahi border inspection

Before carrying out the Waka Kotahi border inspection the following procedures must be followed:

Verify the date when the vehicle arrived in New Zealand by sighting either a Customs clearance document or a MPI bio-security clearance certificate.

Inspect the vehicle to verify that the vehicle identification number (VIN) is the original identifier that was fitted by the vehicle manufacturer.

Carry out the Waka Kotahi border inspection and data transfer process.

Collect the Waka Kotahi border inspection fee as part of the cost of inspection.