Correct as at 27th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification (new light vehicles) > Introduction > Appointments

6 Appointments

Inspecting organisations

Applications for appointment as an inspecting organisation must be supported by evidence that satisfies the Transport Agency that the applicant is the vehicle manufacturer’s New Zealand representative for the makes and models to be certified.

The candidate must have, or retain an employee who has, a sound knowledge of the statutory provisions relating to the inspection and certification of new light vehicles for entry into New Zealand.

The candidate must be a fit and proper person (clause 2.6 of the Rule). The criteria considered with any application include:

a) criminal history

b) transport-related offences

c) relevant complaints

d) the public interest such as relevant warnings, penalties and disciplinary actions imposed.

Other details are provided in a Deed of Appointment.

Applications must be made to:

Vehicle Inspectors
NZ Transport Agency
Private Bag 11777
Palmerston North 4442

Phone 0800 587 287