Correct as at 23rd April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification (new light vehicles) > Introduction > Overview of the manual

2 Overview of the manual

The manual is structured into six main parts:


This explains the duties and responsibilities of the inspecting organisation and vehicle inspector, the inspection and certification process, complaints procedures, inspection premises and equipment, and the appointment of vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations. It also includes definitions and abbreviations, sample certification documents, an improvement suggestion form and a form for recording amendments. The introduction is relevant to all new light vehicles requiring entry inspection and certification.

1. Vehicle identification
2. Standards compliance

The bulk of the content of this section is included in Tables of vehicle class standards requirements and Lists of approved standards. That is, vehicle of group L or class MA, MB, MC, MD1 or NA must comply with approved standards as specified in Tables of vehicle class standards requirements and Lists of approved standards.

Illustrations and tables are added to assist in the identification of standards.

3. Pre-delivery inspection
4. Warrant of fitness (WoF) inspection

The pages at the beginning of sections 1-4 are divided into two columns:

Summary of legislation

summarises the legislation that relates to the reasons for rejection.

Reasons for rejection

specifies the reasons that must result in the vehicle being rejected for entry certification. The NZ Transport Agency has imposed these requirements in accordance with the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002, subclause 2.3(1).

5. Technical bulletins

These provide extended explanatory material relating to specific items, referenced in this manual.