Correct as at 19th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Inspection and certification > Vehicle interior > Interior impact

7-7 Interior impact

IMPORTANT A vehicle with an airbag in a condition beyond the threshold specified in Vehicle structure – 3-4 Threshold for requiring repair certification must be certified by a specialist repair certifier before entry certification.

Reasons for rejection

Compliance with approved standards (Note 1)

1. A vehicle that is required to comply with approved interior impact standard(s) in respect of its interior fittings, controls and surface did not comply, or cannot be demonstrated to have complied, at the time of manufacture, with:

a) all of the interior impact standard(s) listed in at least one of the five columns in Table 7-7-1, or

b) at least one of the frontal impact standard(s) listed in Table 3-2-1.

Condition, performance and modification

2. An interior fitting, control or surface does not comply with a requirement relating to condition, performance or modification set out in:

Note 1

Vehicles that comply with approved frontal impact standards are not required to comply with approved interior impact standards. For the avoidance of doubt, this does not apply to vehicles:

Table 7-7-1. Approved interior impact standards*

UN-ECE Regulation no.

EEC/EC Directive





74/60, 78/632 or 2000/4
and one of:


42 General Safety Requirements (section on external or internal protrusions)

TS for instrument panel impact absorption, and
TS for sunvisor impact absorption, and
Interpretation of the TS for sunvisor impact absorption, and
TS for seatback impact absorption, and
TS for impact reduction of inside rear-view mirrors
Article 20

* The interior fittings, controls and surfaces of a vehicle that is required to comply with approved interior impact standard(s) must comply with all the standard(s) listed in at least one of the five columns.

Summary of legislation

Applicable legislation
Compliance with approved standards

1. The interior fittings, controls and surfaces in the passenger compartment of the following vehicles must comply with one or more of the approved interior impact standards in Table 7-7-1:

a) vehicles of class MA manufactured on or after 1 January 1992 (Note 1)

b) vehicles of class MB and MC manufactured on or after 1 March 1998 (Note 1).

Condition, performance and modification

2. Interior fittings, controls and surfaces must comply with the requirements relating to condition, performance and modification set out in:

Page amended 1 December 2016 (see amendment details).