Correct as at 26th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Introduction > Purpose and scope

1 Purpose and scope

Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency has prepared this manual to assist vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations in achieving correct and consistent standards for the pre-registration, inspection and certification of vehicles entering service in New Zealand.

The purpose of this manual is to explain the conditions of appointment and the requirements for the inspection and certification of vehicles that are entering service in New Zealand.

This manual is for Waka Kotahi-appointed vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations. Its scope is to describe the pre-registration procedures and set out the statutory requirements for the entry inspection and certification of motor vehicles when they enter service in New Zealand.

IMPORTANT: In order to be certified for entry into service, vehicles must comply with the requirements in the Vehicle inspection requirements manual: In-service certification as well as the requirements in this manual. Vehicles must therefore be inspected for compliance with the requirements in both manuals before they can be certified for entry into service. This manual highlights where any requirements in the Vehicle inspection requirements manual: In-service certification manual do not apply at entry (eg brake inspection).

This manual applies to the entry inspection and certification of all motor vehicles. The only exceptions are new vehicles imported, inspected and certified by the vehicle manufacturers' New Zealand representatives, provided that the representatives have been appointed for the purpose of entry inspection and certification by the Waka Kotahi.

This manual sets out what vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations are required to do.

Amendments to this manual will be issued from time to time as inspection and certification requirements change and improvements are made. Suggestions for improvement can be made using the feedback button found on every page.

The following diagram shows the role of this manual in relation to the certification process and to other relevant manuals.

role of the manual