Correct as at 21st April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Pre-registration and VIN > Left-hand drive vehicles > Completing the left-hand drive process

5-3 Completing the left-hand drive process

A left-hand drive vehicle must be recorded as the appropriate type in the ‘special permit types’ field in the ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen. Table 5-3-1 lists valid permit type codes.

Table 5-3-1. Special permit type codes




Left-hand drive – Category A (Note 1)


Left-hand drive – Category B


Left-hand drive – Category C1


Left-hand drive – Category C2


Left-hand drive – Category C3


Left-hand drive – Category C4


Left-hand drive – Category C5


Left-hand drive – Category D


Left-hand drive – Category E


Left-hand drive – Category F


Left-hand drive – Category G

Note 1

Where code A is entered, a note stating the following must be added to the vehicle notes:
‘Vehicle ceases to qualify for left-hand drive exemption if the registered person changes before [DDMMYYYY]’.
The date specified must be either four years after first registration in New Zealand or when the vehicle reaches 20 years of age, whichever is earlier.

Once all the required documentation has been checked and the certification completed, the entry certifier prints an MR2A form and fills in the owner’s name (Category A only) before handing it to the owner. A copy of the completed MR2A showing the name of the person who the permit was issued to must be archived with the vehicle file.

Category A vehicles must have NOTES entered in LANDATA showing the restrictions on change of ownership to complete the process. The LHD permit number may have already been entered in LANDATA notes by the Transport Agency. If it hasn’t, it ismost likely that the vehicle did not exist in LANDATA at the time when the permit was issued. In this case. Please advise the Transport Agency accordingly so that the Permit details can be added to NOTES.

Any queries about individual cases involving left-hand drive vehicles not covered by these procedures should be referred to the Transport Agency call centre, on 0800 699 000.

Reprinting MR2A forms

Please see Inspection and certification 1-9, section 2.2 Reprinting an MR2A for a left-hand drive vehicle.

Page updated 17 May 2023 (see details).