Correct as at 16th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Reference materials > HVSC Memo 59: HV power pack upgrades to meet emissions requirements

61 HVSC Memo 59: HV power pack upgrades to meet emissions requirements


For Heavy Vehicle Specialist Certifiers

To: Heavy Vehicle Specialist Certifiers No. 59

From: Steve BullĂ´t

Date: 4 May 2009

Subject: HV power pack upgrades to meet emissions requirements

Following the introduction of the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Exhaust Emissions 2007 (33001/2), it has been determined that a heavy vehicle may be repowered to meet the requirements of the Rule.

Any repower will need to meet the following conditions:

Note: In the situation where an engine or powerpack is replaced by a unit by the same manufacturer, part number, specification and emission standard then it is considered a repair and not a modification and is not affected by the requirements of the Rule.