Correct as at 23rd April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Technical bulletins > Alternative proof of compliance – Singapore/Japan

27 Alternative proof of compliance – Singapore/Japan

Vehicles previously registered in Singapore


This procedure may be used as an alternative to obtaining a statement of compliance for some used vehicles from Singapore.

It is divided into two processes, one for used Japanese domestic vehicles with a type designation number (TDN) and the other for non-Japanese domestic vehicles. Both types of vehicle must have been previously registered in Singapore.

Approved certifier procedures

1. Send the Singapore Land Transport Authority (LTA) technical information of motor vehicle letter to your Technical Manager – and advise the vehicle owner that he/she will be notified of the outcome in due course.

2. Your Technical Manager will issue a letter advising either:

a) that a statement of compliance will be required, or

b) approval of the Singapore LTA letter as acceptable evidence of compliance at the time of manufacture (conditions may apply).

3. If the application is successful, attach the approval letter to the vehicle file.

Vehicles from Japan without a TDN


This procedure provides an alternative to obtaining a statement of compliance for a vehicle from Japan that does not have a TDN on its export certificate. This is only applicable to vehicles manufactured outside Japan as vehicles manufactured in Japan for the Japanese market are not required by the NZTA to have a TDN on the export certificate.

These vehicles must have been previously registered in Japan.

Approved certifier procedures

1. Send the export certificate to your Technical Manager – and advise the vehicle owner that he/she will be notified of the outcome in due course.

2. Your Technical Manager will issue a letter advising either:

a) that a statement of compliance will be required, or

b) the vehicle may be accepted as compliant at the time of manufacture.

3. If the application is successful, attach the approval letter to the vehicle file.