Correct as at 19th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Technical bulletins > Frontal impact compliance for Toyota Cavaliers

9 Frontal impact compliance for Toyota Cavaliers

Vehicle inspection requirements manual references

This bulletin gives guidance to vehicle inspectors in applying the following requirements in the VIRM: Entry certification:


This bulletin applies to the frontal impact compliance requirements for Toyota Cavalier vehicles undergoing entry certification in New Zealand.


Any vehicle that is a Toyota Cavalier of model code TJG00 with a model year of 1996, 1997 or 1998 is exempt from the requirement to prove compliance with one of the approved frontal impact standards specified in section 2.3(4) of Land Transport Rule: Frontal Impact 2001.

The model year of Toyota Cavaliers can be determined by decoding the tenth character of the vehicle identification number (VIN).

The frontal impact compliance status of Toyota Cavalier vehicles, as understood by the NZTA, is described below.

Model year

10th character of VIN

Frontal impact status

1995 or earlier


There is no evidence that these vehicles comply with an approved frontal impact standard. Toyota Cavaliers with a model year of 1995 or earlier will not be eligible for an exemption from frontal impact standard requirements.



Toyota Cavaliers with a model year of 1996 can be assumed to comply with an approved frontal impact standard



Toyota Cavaliers with a model year of 1997 or 1998 are exempt from the requirement to comply with an approved frontal impact standard



1999 or later

X, Y, 1, 2…

Toyota Cavaliers with a model year of 1999 or later comply with an approved frontal impact standard.