Correct as at 25th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Technical bulletins > Identifying a Honda Gyro

4 Identifying a Honda Gyro


This bulletin gives guidance to vehicle inspectors in identifying a Honda Gyro to determine applicable inspection requirements.

A Honda Gyro is a three-wheeled vehicle which requires design compliance and must be declared as a motorcycle by the NZTA in order to be registered for in-service operation in New Zealand.


The New Zealand representative of Blue Wing Honda has advised the NZTA that Honda agents identify the Honda Gyro by its frame number.

It can also be recognised by the distinctive articulating joint that allows the whole front passenger portion of the vehicle to pivot and tilt when cornering.

A Honda Gyro:

Therefore, a Honda Gyro can be classed as an LE1 vehicle under Table A of Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002.

For registration purposes, the Honda Gyro is a vehicle type 11 (motorcycle).


If a vehicle presented for entry certification is identified as a Honda Gyro, it must be declared a motorcycle by the NZTA. Applications must be made to:

Vehicle Standards
NZ Transport Agency
Private Bag 6995
Wellington 6141

Attention: Senior Engineer, Vehicles Standards team

An LT4085 Vehicle compliance certificate must be completed for the vehicle. It must meet entry-level certification requirements for class LE1 vehicles and undergo periodic in-service inspections (warrant of fitness or certificate of fitness).

To operate and inspect the vehicle, the vehicle inspector must hold a motorcycle licence.