Correct as at 27th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Heavy vehicle specialist certification > Additional topics > Electrical

12-4 Electrical

Certifier categories: HVEC | HVEK | HMKD | HMCD

Reasons for rejection

1. The voltage of the electrical systems and components in a vehicle are not suitable for all conditions of operation for which the vehicle was constructed.

2. The current ratings of electrical wires in a vehicle have been exceeded.

3. Electrical wires in a vehicle are not:

a) insulated and protected from damage that could be caused by water, fuel, oil, other fluids, dirt or heat, or

b) if practicable, clipped or otherwise gathered into looms with an insulated material.

4. Electrical wires and looms in a vehicle have not:

a) been appropriately and securely fastened to the vehicle to protect them from damage, or

b) where they pass through holes in the vehicle structure, been protected from damage.

5. Electronic control devices of safety systems fitted to a vehicle have not been protected from electrical interference that could adversely affect their operation.

6. Electrical or electronic systems operating specific functions such as ABS/EBS or SRS systems have been tapped into to operate other functions without the written consent of the manufacturer of the primary function.

Summary of legislation

Applicable legislation
Electrical requirements (section 3.8)

1. The voltage of the electrical systems and components in a vehicle must be suitable for all conditions of operation for which the vehicle was constructed.

2. The current ratings of electrical wires in a vehicle must not be exceeded.

3. Electrical wires in a vehicle must:

a) be insulated and protected from damage that could be caused by water, fuel, oil, other fluids, dirt or heat, and

b) if practicable, be clipped or otherwise gathered into looms with an insulated material.

4. Electrical wires and looms in a vehicle must:

a) be appropriately and securely fastened to the vehicle to protect them from damage, and

b) where they pass through holes in the vehicle structure, be protected from damage.

5. Electronic control devices of safety systems fitted to a vehicle must be protected from electrical interference that could adversely affect their operation.