Correct as at 9th May 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken from: Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Heavy vehicle specialist certification > Introduction > Inspection and certification > Disqualification from certification

3-2 Disqualification from certification

A HV certifier must not engage in any activities that may conflict with his independence of judgement and integrity in relation to the services delivered.

A HV certifier may have a professional interest in a vehicle they certify, such as a vehicle:

a) they have modified or repaired, or

b) that has been modified or repaired by a person working for the same company as the HV certifier, and at the same premises,

However, a HV certifier may not certify a vehicle they or their immediate family have a personal ownership interest in.

A HV certifier may not certify an aspect of a vehicle for which he is not appointed.

An HVS certifier must not inspect a vehicle if:

a) they do not hold a driver licence for that class of vehicle, and

b) they are required to drive it.