Correct as at 25th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Heavy vehicle specialist certification > Introduction > Overview of the manual

2 Overview of the manual

The manual is in two main parts:

1. Introduction

The introduction summarises the duties and responsibilities of the HV certifier which are set out in detail in the relevant Notice(s) of Appointment, explains the inspection and certification process, complaints procedures, inspection premises and equipment, and appointment of HV certifiers.

Also included are definitions and abbreviations and sample certification documents.

The term ‘he’ in respect of an HV certifier, is intended to include ‘she’.

2. Technical

This part of the manual covers the requirements for the certification of modifications, mounting of components, design and manufacture of vehicles and components and repairs to individual aspects of heavy vehicle components, structures and systems.

To use the manual:

Not all chapters in the technical section are devoted to aspects of vehicles that are to be certified. Some of them, such as 1-1 VIN, 2-1 External projections. and 3-1 Dimensions, are to assist in the assessment of other aspects. Other chapters, such as 11-1 Welding and 11-2 Conversion to right-hand drive are also concerned with topics that are not aspects in themselves but pool all the requirements to be considered where these items are involved.

Each chapter of the technical part consists of up to six parts:

Required certifier categories

shows the certifiers who are concerned with the chapter material.

Summary of legislation

summarises the legislation that is relevant to that section.

Applicable references

refers to standards, codes and other documents that contain requirements.

Requirements of the legislation

contains a synopsis of the requirements in legislation and other directives of Waka Kotahi


are for additional guidance, where required.

Reasons for rejection

specifies the conditions that must result in the vehicle being rejected by the specialist certifier

Page amended 1 November 2021 (see amendment details)