Correct as at 23rd April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Heavy vehicle specialist certification > Technical bulletins > HV manufacturer certifier (HMxD) use of design certificates for batch built or standard components

5 HV manufacturer certifier (HMxD) use of design certificates for batch built or standard components

This technical bulletin replaces memo 65.

The following are examples where a design certificate (DC) can be used by an HV manufacturer certifier (HMxD) for batch built or standard components:

In these circumstances the HVSC takes responsibility for the design and that it is of sufficient strength and durability to do the job in the proposed application or applications. The following apply:

Additional points to provide clarification to HMxD certifiers

Note 1

The following categories are summarised by (HMxD):

HMAD: Heavy Vehicle Manufacturer Certifier – Load anchorages

HMKD: Heavy Vehicle Manufacturer Certifier – Brakes

HMCD: Heavy Vehicle Manufacturer Certifier – Chassis

HMLD: Heavy Vehicle Manufacturer Certifier – Log bolster attachment

HMTD: Heavy Vehicle Manufacturer Certifier – Towing connections

Page amended 9 December 2019 (see amendment details)