Correct as at 16th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > In-service certification (WoF and CoF) > Heavy PSVs > Transport service licence > TSL

16-1 TSL

Reasons for rejection

Mandatory requirement

1. The operator of a heavy PSV has not notified (Note 3) the vehicle inspector of the passenger service licence number under which the vehicle is operated.

Note 1

If correctly licensed, a PSV can be identified by the ā€˜Lā€™ on the vehicle licence label.

Note 2

PSV (passenger service vehicle), for the purpose of this section, means:

Note 3

Every heavy PSV must display a TSL label that identifies the TSL number the vehicle is presently operated under (see Figure 16-1-1). For CoF purposes, the vehicle inspector must record the number on the TSL label. Where there is no TSL label, the KSDP is expected to make a reasonable effort to request the TSL number from the driver. The TSL number must be entered into the system when the inspection is recorded, but where a TSL number cannot be obtained, fault code VLP must be entered.

Figure 16-1-1. Sample TSL label

Transport service licence

Summary of legislation

Applicable legislation
Mandatory requirement

1. No certificate of fitness shall be issued in respect of any transport service vehicle unless the vehicle inspector has been notified of the transport service licence under which the vehicle is being operated.

Page amended 1 December 2016 (see amendment details).