Correct as at 29th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > In-service certification (WoF and CoF) > Heavy trailers > Lighting > Headlamps

4-1 Headlamps

Reasons for rejection

Prohibited equipment

1. A trailer is fitted with headlamps (Note 1).

Note 1

Headlamp means a lamp designed to illuminate the road ahead of a vehicle, and that is a:

a) dipped-beam headlamp (single lamp), or

b) main-beam (high-beam) headlamp (single lamp), and includes a driving lamp, or

c) combination of a dipped-beam headlamp and a main-beam headlamp (dual-lamp unit).

Summary of legislation

Applicable legislation
Prohibited equipment

1. A trailer must not be fitted with a headlamp (Note 1).