Correct as at 24th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > In-service certification (WoF and CoF) > Introduction > Complaints

4 Complaints

Customers should be encouraged to direct any complaints to the inspecting organisation in the first instance.

To ensure all written complaints received are investigated, the inspecting organisation must maintain an effective complaint management process, which must meet the following requirements:

1. a clear and concise statement that recognises the positive value of complaints

2. clear and concise instructions to all customers on how to register a complaint. This can be accomplished in several ways, for example:

a) a conspicuous notice on the workplace wall, or

b) a clear statement on any receipt or invoice issued, or

c) a clear statement on the inspecting organisation’s checksheet

3. a straightforward explanation of the expected standards for resolution and the customer’s right to appeal to the NZTA if they are dissatisfied with the proposed resolution

4. documentation of any investigation into a complaint prepared in accordance with the QMS requirements so that details of the investigation can be readily checked

5. acknowledgment of all written complaints in writing within three working days, and the investigation completed and a resolution proposed to the complainant within 20 working days of the complaint being made

6. a record of all complaints, both verbal and written, in accordance with the QMS requirements

7. directions for any customer who wishes to make a complaint or appeal a decision made by an inspecting organisation to contact the NZTA Helpdesk (0800 699 000).

Dealing with disputed failed CoF inspections for vehicles subject to the Operator Rating System (ORS)

Where the operator of a vehicle subject to ORS queries a failed inspection, please follow the Operator issue resolution process – disputed failed inspections in section 3-9-3 of the LATIS manual (password required).

Vehicle operators may be referred to the Transport Agency website for more information about querying failed CoF inspection results.

Page amended 1 November 2014 (see amendment details).