Correct as at 27th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > In-service certification (WoF and CoF) > Introduction > Overview of the manual

2 Overview of the manual

How is the manual structured?

The manual is divided into ten vehicle-type sections plus technical bulletins and this introduction.

What information is in each part of the manual?

1. Introduction

The introduction is relevant to all vehicles requiring in-service inspection and certification (WoF and CoF). It explains the duties and responsibilities of the inspecting organisation and vehicle inspector, the inspection and certification process, complaints procedures, inspection premises and equipment, and the appointment of vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations. It also includes definitions and abbreviations, and sample certification documents. Improvement suggestions can be made by clicking the 'Send us your feedback' button found on every page.

2. General vehicles (WoF)

This section contains the WoF inspection requirements for light vehicles of classes LE that do not have motorcycle controls, MA, MB, MC, MD1 and NA.

Many of these requirements are general requirements applicable to other types and classes of vehicles. They have been copied into other relevant sections as outlined below.

3. Heavy vehicles (CoF)

This section contains the CoF inspection requirements for heavy vehicles of classes NB and NC. They consist of general requirements applicable to all vehicles and additional or replacement requirements that apply specifically to heavy vehicles.

4. Light PSVs (CoF)

This section contains the CoF inspection requirements for light passenger service vehicles (PSVs) of classes LE that do not have motorcycle controls, MA, MB, MC, MD1 and MD2. They consist of general requirements applicable to all vehicles and additional or replacement requirements that apply specifically to light PSVs.

This section also contains the transport service licence (TSL) requirements for light vehicles of the above classes used in a rental service or vehicle recovery service.

5. Heavy PSVs (CoF)

This section contains the CoF inspection requirements for heavy passenger service vehicles (PSVs) of classes MD3, MD4 and ME, and any NB and NC class vehicles used as PSVs. They consist of general requirements applicable to all vehicles, requirements applicable to all heavy vehicles and additional or replacement requirements that apply specifically to heavy PSVs.

6. Motorcycles (WoF and CoF)

This section covers the WoF and CoF inspection requirements for vehicles of classes LC, LD and LE that have motorcycle controls. For CoF, this section also contains additional requirements for these vehicles used in a passenger service or rental service.

7 General trailers (WoF)

This section covers the WoF inspection requirements for light trailers of classes TA and TB. They consist of general requirements applicable to all trailers.

8. Heavy trailers (CoF)

This section covers the CoF inspection requirements for heavy trailers of classes TC and TD. They consist of general requirements applicable to all trailers and additional or replacement requirements that apply specifically to heavy trailers.

9. Forklifts (WoF)

This section contains the WoF inspection requirements for light and heavy forklifts which must meet WoF requirements as far as practicable for their design and type.

10. Tractors (WoF)

This section contains the WoF inspection requirements for light and heavy tractors and self-propelled machines used in agricultural, land management and roading operations.

11. Unclassified vehicles (WoF)

This section contains the WoF inspection requirements for light and heavy unclassified vehicles which must meet WoF requirements as far as practicable for their design and type. It includes heavy vehicles exempt from CoF, all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) and some trailers. It does not include vehicles already covered in the Forklifts and Tractors sections.

12. Technical bulletins (general)

These contain detailed requirements or helpful information which is not appropriate to put into the vehicle sections of the manual. Examples are processes/requirements for seatbelt replacements and jacking points for correctly checking suspension ball joints. These bulletins cover WoF vehicles and vehicles in general.

13. Technical bulletins (CoF)

These bulletins are similar to the Technical bulletins (general), but cover information specific to vehicles operated on a CoF.

'WoF only’ inspecting organisations

An inspecting organisation appointed to carry out WoF inspections only will only need to view the general vehicle pages, motorcycle pages, general trailer pages, forklift pages, tractor pages, unclassified vehicle pages and technical bulletin (general) pages.

'CoF only' inspecting organisations

An inspecting organisation appointed to carry out CoF inspections only will need to view the pages for motorcycles, heavy vehicles, light PSVs, heavy PSVs, heavy trailers, technical bulletins (general) and technical bulletins (CoF).

Note that some pages will refer to general vehicles or general trailers pages where appropriate.

‘WoF and CoF’ inspecting organisations

An inspecting organisation appointed to carry out WoF and CoF inspections will need to view all the WoF and CoF pages. These are the same pages as for 'WoF only', but with additional pages for heavy vehicles, light PSVs, heavy PSVs, heavy trailers and technical bulletins (CoF).

How to use the manual

WoF inspections
CoF inspections

Many CoF requirements are the same as the WoF requirements and have been copied into the relevant CoF sections. Where requirements differ:

Layout of manual pages

For each vehicle component, the inspection requirement pages are generally divided into two tabs, one for reasons for rejection, the other for summary of legislation. These tabs list the requirements under ‘mandatory equipment’, ‘permitted equipment’, ‘condition’, ‘performance’ and ‘modifications’ (and ‘repairs’ for heavy vehicles on a CoF).

The Reasons for rejection column specifies the vehicle defects that must result in the vehicle being rejected for a WoF or CoF. The condition and performance reasons for rejection apply to mandatory, permitted, and modified equipment, unless otherwise stated. NZTA has imposed these requirements in accordance with Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002, section 2.3(1). This column also contains notes for additional guidance, as referred to in the two columns.

The Summary of legislation column summarises the legislation that is relevant to in-service inspection and certification.
Many vehicle components have an additional one or two tabs:

The figure below illustrates the typical layout of pages in the manual. Greater detail is given in the Vehicle inspection portal user guide.


Page amended 1 November 2014 (see amendment details).