Correct as at 26th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > In-service certification (WoF and CoF) > Introduction > Purpose and scope

1 Purpose and scope

The NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) has prepared this manual to assist vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations achieve correct and consistent standards of in-service vehicle inspection and certification (WoF and CoF).

The purpose of this manual is to enhance the safety of in-service vehicles in New Zealand by conveying to vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations the conditions of their appointment and the requirements for the inspection and certification of vehicles for operation in service.

The scope of this manual is to set out the statutory requirements for all in-service vehicle inspections. No attempt has been made to give details on how to inspect a vehicle, a matter best addressed by training programmes.

Amendments to this manual will be issued from time to time as inspection requirements change and improvements are made. Details of amendments are available from the Amendments tab on the horizontal menu. Suggestions for improvement should be made using the feedback button found on every page.