Correct as at 29th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > In-service certification (WoF and CoF) > Motorcycles > Lighting > End-outline marker lamps

4-9 End-outline marker lamps

Reasons for rejection

Prohibited equipment

1. A motorcycle is fitted with an end-outline marker lamp (Note 1).

Note 2 Definitions

End-outline marker lamp means a position lamp designed to be fitted near the outer extremity of a vehicle in addition to forward-facing and rearward-facing position lamps; and includes a cab roof lamp.

Position lamp means a low-intensity lamp that is designed to indicate to road users the presence and dimensions of a vehicle, being:

a) a forward-facing position lamp (front side lamp), or

b) a rearward-facing position lamp (rear side lamp or tail lamp), or

c) a side-marker lamp, or

d) an end-outline marker lamp (including cab roof lamp).

Note 1

End-outline marker lamps may be fitted only to certain heavy motor vehicles, and to light vehicles with an overall width exceeding 1.8 m.

Summary of legislation

Applicable legislation
Prohibited equipment

1. A motorcycle must not be fitted with end-outline marker lamps (Note 1).