Correct as at 20th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > In-service certification (WoF and CoF) > Technical bulletins (CoF) > Door test procedure: Compressed air- or vacuum-operated doors

5 Door test procedure: Compressed air- or vacuum-operated doors

Legal requirements

The tests are based on the following requirements (see Schedule for details):

Equipment required
Test overview

There are two test types to be carried out, as follows:

1. Testing that the door opens automatically when there is an obstruction:

Test 1: Using the non-tapered end of the test bar

2. Testing that, if the door does not open, the test bar can be easily removed, using the following test:

Test 2: Using a scale, pull to ascertain the force required to extract test bar.

Perform test(s) as outlined in the flowchart below.




From Land Transport Rule: Passenger Service Vehicles 1999: sections 2.2 and 2.2(2A)

2.2(2) A power-operated door, its control mechanisms and associated equipment must be designed, constructed and maintained so that the opening and closing force of the door, or its method of operation, is unlikely to injure or trap any person.

2.2(2A) Without limiting the means of compliance with 2.2(2) a power-operated door complies with 2.2(2) if:

a) the door is:

1. located at the left-front of the vehicle; and

2. within the driver’s direct line of sight; and

3. opened and closed by means of a driver-operated control; or

b)in the event that the door closes onto part of a person, the person can readily extract the trapped part.

Taken from:

Power-operated doors

A power-operated door is such that it is likely to injure or trap a person, eg by excessive opening or closing force, or damage or deterioration (Note 1).

Test bar dimensions:

Section of height 60mm, width 30mm with corners radiused to 5mm and tapered at one end over a length of 300mm from a thickness of 30mm to a thickness of 5mm (Figure 5-1-1). Surface to be smooth but shall not be treated with polish or lubricated.

Figure 5-1-1

Figure 5-1-1. Test bar dimensions
Note 1

A power-operated door may be deemed acceptable in terms of potential injury or entrapment of a person due to excessive closing force if:

a) the door is located at the left-front of the vehicle within the driver’s clear view from his seat (without using mirrors or CCTV), and is opened and closed by means of a driver-operated control, or

b) the door automatically opens when it meets an obstruction, and remains open until being closed using the driver-operated control, or

c) in the event that the door closes onto part of a person, the person can readily extract the trapped part.

Page amended 1 November 2014 (see amendment details).