Correct as at 19th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken from: Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Light vehicle repair certification > Technical bulletins > LT307 Declaring that a vehicle doesn't require repair certification

6 LT307 Declaring that a vehicle doesn't require repair certification

Note: the LT307 cannot be used if the vehicles’ documentation includes the words ‘statutory’, ‘write-off’, ‘salvage’, ‘junked’ or ‘non-repairable’. An LT308 must be used for any of those cases.

The use of the LT307 is actioned when damage flagged by a border inspection organisation (BIO) or entry inspector is deemed by a repair certifier to be not as significant as originally thought.

Certifiers that are using this form to reverse a damage flag on a border entry vehicle must understand the BIO threshold for applying a damaged flag and VIRM: Entry certification inspection threshold for repair certification, and carry out a thorough inspection of the vehicle in question.

To issue an LT307 the certifier must first determine that no remedial work (that requires specialist repair certification) is required to the entire vehicle.

If any remedial work is required to a vehicle for entry purposes, then an LT308 must be issued after remedial work has been completed.

The LT307 is to be used solely to reverse a request for an LT308 by BIO or an entry inspector or to use when a marginal vehicle is referred by a KSDP for assessment where the damage may be marginal/non-structural.


The repair certifier is solely responsible for the outcome of the inspection; filing and supplying supporting evidence is required for Transport Agency auditing purposes.


Applicable references

VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification

Refer to applicable sections depending on individual situation.

VIRM: Border inspection of imported used vehicles


Photographs of the inspection and a copy of the LT307 are to be kept on file.

The repair certifier is to take photographs of the inspection, note any measurement checks, keep copies of any wheel alignment reports, Declaration form for SRS and/or ABS inspections form and trammel measurement.

When filling out the LT307 the repair certifier must use wording similar to the VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification: Technical bulletin 4: Threshold for requiring repair certification and Technical bulletin 5: Threshold for lifting border damage flag

The repair certifier is to keep copies of the LT307 on file.

Flow chart steps.


Page amended 10 April 2017 (see amendment details).