Correct as at 29th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Pre-registration and VIN > Vehicle records > Selecting a vehicle record

1-2 Selecting a vehicle record

When accessing the VIN screen, LANDATA checks for all records recorded against a VIN, chassis or frame number. This captures multiple vehicles with the same chassis or frame number, and vehicles with multiple records.

If there are multiple records available for a vehicle identifier, the ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen will display with a list of records found for the specified identifier (see Figure 1-2-1).

Spaces in chassis or frame numbers

When transmitting from the escape field, the system will only read as far as the next space (eg if ‘VIN GC5 123456’ is keyed, LANDATA will only read ‘VIN GC5’. The correct record will not display).

Some older records have a space in the chassis or frame number. For these vehicles:

1. type >VIN< in the escape field and transmit

2. a blank VSPCV screen will display

3. enter the chassis or frame number with the space in the VIN/chassis field and transmit

4. LANDATA will recognise the complete number as it will read the whole number between the delimiters (> <).

1 Used vehicles

See Table 1-2-1.

2 Vehicles undergoing re-registration

In 1986 the motor vehicle register (MVR) was computerised. This means only paper records will exist for most vehicles registered in New Zealand prior to 1986. A record will exist in LANDATA for most vehicles on the road in New Zealand from 1986 onwards, although the chassis number is recorded incorrectly in a number of cases.

In March 1994 LANDATA was introduced. However, its use was limited to assigning VINs to vehicles and recording entry certification. Vehicles were still registered separately on the MVR system. Duplicate records still exist in LANDATA (the VIN and the MVR record), although in most cases the records have been merged. In October 1995, the MVR was copied onto LANDATA and it was fully phased out by the beginning of 1996. Therefore, whether or not a vehicle record exists on LANDATA will depend on when it was last registered. If you suspect a vehicle record should be on LANDATA but you cannot find one, fax the details to Vehicle Certifiers Registers on 06 953 6282 and request a LANDATA search.

See Table 1-2-2.

2.1 If a vehicle record is found but the chassis field is blank

The record will not be accessible from the VIN screen.

Contact the Transport Agency on 0800 804 580 or fax the Commercial Licencing Team, Vehicle Certifier Administration on 06 953 6282 for assistance.

3 New and scratch-built vehicles

New and scratch-built vehicles may have been entered into LANDATA by another entry certifier. In this case, the existing record must be used.

If the warning message ‘Warning VIN does not decode – Contact TRC 0800 804 580’ displays, do not continue until the VIN has been decoded.

The Transport Agency will attempt to decode the VIN from their sources. If this is not possible, the vehicle owner/importer must provide decode data.

If no record exists, a record must be created using a blank VIN screen.

A scratch-built vehicle must not be recorded using the existing record of a donor vehicle.

4 Permanent registration of a temporary import

A temporarily imported vehicle that is presented to an entry certifier for permanent registration is required to go through the full certification process. In some cases this may require the applicant to apply for a border check exemption.

There is no requirement for the owner to provide a letter from Customs authorising the owner to have their vehicle permanently registered in New Zealand.

Table 1-2-1




Type >VIN< in the escape field and transmit

The ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen displays


Does the vehicle have an identifier?



A blank ‘VIN allocation’ screen displays

Continue from Pre-registration and VIN 2 – Vehicle attributes)


Type the vehicle identifier in the VIN/chassis field and transmit

LANDATA will search for a vehicle record for the identifier entered

Note : If the identifier has 17 characters (excluding punctuation characters) and does not contain the letters I, O or Q, it is likely to be an ISO VIN. In this case, type the identifier without punctuation characters. If the identifier does not appear to be an ISO VIN, type the punctuation characters but not spaces


Is a vehicle found to match the identifier?


A blank ‘VIN allocation’ screen displays

If the identifier is a valid VIN, this will display in the VIN field. If not, it will display in the chassis number field

Used vehicles imported before 1 March 1999 were not required to undergo a border check, so there will not be a vehicle record available on LANDATA. The vehicle owner must supply a biosecurity document and New Zealand Customs entry documents to prove the date of entry into New Zealand

Continue from step 4

Note: If the vehicle had a previous plate, a query can be completed on the PHIS screen to show whether the recorded identifier is different. Refer to Pre-registration and VIN 5-3 for procedures


Only one vehicle is found

The ‘VIN allocation’ screen displays with the vehicle details

Continue from step 6

More than one vehicle is found

The ‘specify vehicle’ screen displays a list of vehicle records with the specified identifier

The screen displays four records at a time

Enter navigation commands in the scroll field to move between records as required

Refer to Table 1-2-2. Navigation commands in the Introduction of this manual

Continue from step 5


Have you entered the correct identifier?


Continue from step 7


Type >R< in the escape field and transmit

The previous screen will display

Type the correct vehicle identifier and transmit

Continue from step 3


Is the correct vehicle record displayed?


Type >X< in the select field next to the correct record and transmit

The ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen displays the details of the selected vehicle

Continue from step 6


  • If you have entered the correct VIN/chassis number, continue from step 10
  • If an incorrect VIN/chassis number has been entered, type >R< in the escape field and transmit to return to the previous screen

Enter the correct VIN/chassis number and continue from step 3


Are the displayed details correct?


Continue from step 10


  • If you have entered the correct VIN/chassis number, continue from step 10
  • If an incorrect VIN/chassis number has been entered, type >R< in the escape field and transmit to return to the previous screen

Enter the correct VIN/chassis number and continue from step 3


Is a border check date displayed?


Continue from step 10


Continue from step 8


Was the vehicle imported into New Zealand before
1 March 1999?


Continue from step 9


Type >VSEARCH< in the escape field and transmit to search for the border check record

Refer to Pre-registration and VIN 5-4 for procedures


Is documentation proving the vehicle was imported before 1 March 1999 provided?


Type the importation date in the border check field and continue from step 10


Do not continue

Advise the vehicle owner to obtain the necessary documentation

Type >C< in the escape field and transmit to cancel the transaction


Are there any notes to view?


Type >notes< in the escape field and transmit

Refer to the LATIS manual for procedures on viewing notes


Enter the vehicle attributes

Refer to Pre-registration and VIN 2 - Vehicle attributes


Type >VIN< in the escape field and transmit

The ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen displays


Do not enter any details in the VIN/chassis field. Transmit

A blank ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen displays

Enter the vehicle attributes

Refer to Pre-registration and VIN 2 – Vehicle attributes


If this message displays

Then …

Valid VIN entered

The 17-character VIN is decodable

Proceed with VIN assignment

Refer to Pre-registration and VIN 3-1

Chassis number entered

A chassis number has been entered

Proceed with VIN assignment

Refer to Pre-registration and VIN 3-1

Chassis number entered

Warning: VIN does not decode – Contact TRC on 0800 804 580

The 17 character identifier cannot be decoded

Do not proceed with the VIN allocation until the identifier is decoded. Contact the Transport Agency who will attempt to decode the VIN from their sources. If this fails, inform the vehicle owner that they are legally required to provide sufficient decode data under Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002

Vehicle identifier matched on external system

A match has been found on the vehicle of interest (VOI) database

Proceed with the VIN assignment without causing suspicion

Refer to Pre-registration and VIN 3-1

Table 1-2-2




Type >VIN (vehicle identifier)< in the escape field and transmit

The ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen displays


Is the correct vehicle record displayed?


Update the vehicle details

Refer to Pre-registration and VIN 2 - Vehicle attributes


Continue from step 3


Are you satisfied that no record exists?


Use a blank ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen to enter the vehicle attributes

Refer to Pre-registration and VIN 2 - Vehicle attributes


Contact the Vehicle Certifiers Registers team for assistance


Figure 1-2-1. Example ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen

Example ‘VIN authority allocation/confirmation’ screen

Page amended 1 November 2014 (see amendment details).