Correct as at 27th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Technical bulletins > Conversion vans (AKA day vans)

42 Conversion vans (AKA day vans)

Due to significant safety concerns, the Transport Agency has determined that all conversion vans (also known as day vans) will require LVV certification before they can enter service in New Zealand. Any second stage certification is not recognised by the Transport Agency.

What are conversion vans?

Any class MB or MD van that was built for the American market and has been customized for comfort can be considered a conversion van. Conversion vans can have some of the features of a camper van or motorhome, but are typically more upscale and designed for everyday use. These vans may have a raised roof, custom paint job, custom wheels, leather seats, captain’s chairs, made-to-order stereo systems, custom-installed TVs DVD/Blu ray players, etc. These custom elements can reduce the safety of the vehicle while giving the illusion of original equipment safety.

Strengthening material removed and not replaced


Additional fittings


Page added 1 December 2016 (see amendment details)