Correct as at 27th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken: from Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Entry certification > Technical bulletins > Identifying class MB, MD1 or MD2 based on seats on Japanese deregistration certificates

39 Identifying class MB, MD1 or MD2 based on seats on Japanese deregistration certificates


Some vans are entering New Zealand with a number of seats stated on the Japanese deregistration certificate that would place them in vehicle class MD1 or MD2. There is a requirement that vehicles must be compliant in the class they sit in as imported. Therefore a van with a deregistration certificate that states 10-12 seats (and has a GVM not exceeding 3.5t) is an MD1 and one whose deregistration certificate states 13 or more seats (and has a GVM not exceeding 3.5t) is an MD2. Each must be entry certified as the class determined by the number of seats on the deregistration certificate.

However, some of these seating positions, as defined by Japan, are either wheelchair positions or occasional seats (often referred to as dickie seats or jump seats). In New Zealand, the occasional seats are not suitable as seating positions nor do they have the appropriate seatbelts. Also, many importers would prefer to remove the occasional seats and discard them. The issue is the vehicle would then become a 9-seater (or 12-seater) and therefore change class to an MB (or MD1). In both these situations these vehicles would be deemed non-compliant MD1s (or MD2s) and would either have to be brought in line to meet MD1 (or MD2) requirements or have an exemption application considered at a cost.


The standards requirements for MD2, MD1 and MB class are identical providing the gross vehicle mass (GVM) is over 2500kg. However, technology requirements differ in that MB class vehicles require ESC. The following resolution is for vans with a GVM over 2500kg entering the country with a deregistration certificate stating more than nine seats:

Note 1

If changing from MD1 to MB, the vehicle must be fitted with ESC.


Vehicle class at import

Number of seats (incl. dickie seats and wheelchair positions)

Number of dickie seats/wheelchair positions removed

Updated number of seats

New vehicle class











Page amended 10 December 2023 (see amendment details)