Correct as at 26th April 2024. It may be superseded at any time.

Extract taken from: Vehicle Inspection Portal > VIRMs > Light vehicle repair certification > Introduction > Inspection and certification process > Record of certification (section 6.6 of the Rule)

3-7 Record of certification (section 6.6 of the Rule)

1. The repair certifier must complete an LT307 or LT308 for any vehicle inspected (as applicable) .

2. The repair certifier must retain the top copy of the LT307 or LT308 (as applicable) .

3. The repair certifier must provide one copy of the LT307 or LT308 (usually the carbon copy) to the owner of the vehicle (as applicable) .

4. The repair certifier must hold all documentary evidence as required by the technical pages of this manual.