1 April 2022 (WoF and CoF)

VIRM: In-service certification amendment - effective 1 April 2022

1 April 2022 VIRM: In-service certification preview


Change description

Introduction 3-11 Rechecks

.Most vehicle inspectors and certifiers already re-test as part of the recheck as they follow best practice. Waka Kotahi is aware that some do not as it is not currently specifically stated in the VIRM. This change has been made to normalise best practice into the VIRM.

3-1 Structure (incl. frontal impact)The VIRM currently says that a vehicle with structural damage, outside of a small tolerance, may not receive a WoF or CoF. It also allows an inspector to request additional inspection by a repairer or other relevant person. The existing wording has been giving inspector’s and the public the impression that a repairer’s advice is final, and that the inspector must follow their direction. This is not always appropriate as a repairer is not an appointed person and would not necessarily provide sound or unbiased advice. Waka Kotahi and the inspection industry believe the final decision needs to clearly be the appointed vehicle inspectors
10-1 Tyres and wheelsClarification on the definition of a winter tyre.