Updated safety ratings available on Rightcar

New safety ratings for most cars and other light vehicles on our roads are now live on the Rightcar website – to help Kiwis make safer choices.

The updated (2023) safety ratings apply to the vast majority of used cars, SUVs, utes and other light vehicles on our roads, and provide the best indication of how well vehicles protect people in a crash.

Around 900,000 used light vehicles’ safety ratings have changed compared to their 2022 star-safety rating, based on the latest independent analysis of real-world crash data from Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia.

As inspectors your work is critical to ensure vehicles are safe to drive. How else can you help get people into safer vehicles?

Check your own vehicles

Visit Rightcar to check the safety and environmental rating of your current vehicles and encourage your whānau and friends to do the same.


It’s the official source to find safe, clean and efficient vehicles.

Order free posters or brochures

Please remind your customers about the importance of vehicle safety ratings and the value of crash avoidance features.

Buying a car? brochure

Rightcar poster

Remember, people are twice as safe in a 5-star safety rated car than in a 1-star safety rated car.

If you have any questions email safevehicles@nzta.govt.nz.