
1 Purpose and Scope

This is the Vehicle inspection requirements manual (VIRM): Light vehicle repair certification (Repair VIRM). It has four main parts:

1. Introduction

The introduction explains the duties and responsibilities of the repair certifier, the inspection and certification process, complaints procedures, requirements for inspection premises and equipment, and the appointment of repair certifiers.

Also included are definitions and abbreviations, sample certification documents, an improvement suggestion form and a form for recording amendments.

2. Technical

This part of the manual covers the requirements for the certification of repairs to individual light vehicle components, structures and systems.

Each section of the technical part consists of up to three parts:

Reasons for rejection specifies the repair defects that must result in the vehicle being
rejected for repair certification.

Notes are for additional guidance, where required.

Summary of legislation summarises the legislation that is relevant to that section.

3. Technical bulletins

This part of the manual contains Technical bulletins that provide extended explanatory material for specific issues, components or vehicles.

This is to be used in conjunction with the relevant sections of the technical part of the manual.

To use the manual:
  • the repair certifier identifies each system, structure or component affected by the repair
  • the repair certifier selects the corresponding section from the technical part and inspects the repair to determine whether the requirements have all been met
  • where there is a general requirement, such as for welding or water damage, then the damaged item must be inspected according to both the general and specific sections.
4. The LANDATA system

This is no longer part of the manual. To view the details of this area, you must log on to the Agents' portal with your certifier ID and password.

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