Technical bulletins

36 Removing a border damage flag


‘Request to remove border damage flag’ (Reference material 17) forms are to be processed by the entry certifier.

When a border inspection organisation identifies damage on a vehicle during the border check inspection, the vehicle will be flagged as damaged on LANDATA.

Light vehicles

Refer to VIRM: Entry certification, Inspection and certification, 3-4 Vehicle structure – Threshold for requiring repair certification. If the entry certifier determines that the damage does not exceed the threshold for requiring repair certification, an application must be made to remove the damage flag.

A repair certifier can determine whether or not a light vehicle may have a border damage flag removed once the vehicle has been repaired in accordance with the requirements of the VIRM: Light vehicle repair certification. This is recorded on the LT308 issued. If required, the entry certifier must complete an application to remove the damage flag.

Heavy vehicles

Once the appropriate heavy vehicle specialist certification has been carried out (including an LT400 to cover the repairs to the vehicle) the entry certifier must complete an application to remove the damage flag.


A ‘Request to remove border damage flag’ form is available in Reference material 17. The entry certifier completes the form and gives it to the supervisor authorised to remove damage flags.


To remove the damage flag (in LANDATA):




Check the form has been fully completed by an authorised inspector.


Go to the border damage note in the NOTES screen.

Check that these relate to the damage indicated by the vehicle inspector and that the damage does not exceed the threshold for requiring repair certification..


View the border check inspection record in the VPORT screen. Refer to the LANDATA manual.


In the Maintenance field at the top of the VPORT screen, type ‘CHG’.


In the Damage note field, type ‘N’.




The border damage flag removal form must be kept by the entry certifier for at least two years.

Page amended 1 November 2014 (see amendment details).

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