
2 Overview of the manual

Structure of the manual

The manual is structured into five main parts:

1. Introduction explains the duties and responsibilities of the inspecting organisation and vehicle inspector, the pre-registration process, the inspection and certification process, complaints procedures, inspection premises and equipment requirements, and the appointment of vehicle inspectors and inspecting organisations. It also includes definitions and abbreviations, an improvement suggestion form and a form for recording amendments to the manual. The introduction is relevant to all vehicles requiring entry inspection and certification.

2. Pre-registration and VIN explains pre-registration requirements and describes the procedures for using the LANDATA system to check, assign and affix vehicle identification numbers (VINs), and to record vehicle and inspection details.

3. Inspection and certification covers documentation, standards, and inspection requirements for vehicles of groups L, M, N and T.

4. Technical bulletins provide extended explanatory material relating to specific items, referenced throughout this manual.

5. Reference materials provide form templates and examples of required documentation, referenced throughout this manual.

The inspection requirements for the different groups of vehicle components are separated by tab dividers. For each vehicle component or component group, the inspection requirements will include:

  • a list of ‘Reasons for rejection’, which specify the vehicle defects that must result in the vehicle being rejected for entry certification. The condition and performance reasons for rejection apply to mandatory, permitted and modified equipment, unless otherwise stated. The NZ Transport Agency has imposed these requirements in accordance with the Land Transport Rule: Vehicle Standards Compliance 2002, section 2.3(1)
  • a summary of the legislation that is relevant to the entry inspection and certification of that component or component group. These are broken up, as required, into mandatory and permitted equipment, condition, performance and modification
  • additionally, tables, notes and illustrations are included for further guidance.

For some vehicle components or component groups, the inspection requirements will include additional information, such as inspection specifications or guidance on determining compliance.

Offline use

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IMPORTANT: The offline versions of the manual are NOT considered by the NZTA to be accurate other than on the day it was printed (for example, and amendment may come into effect the following day). Printed and PDF copies of this manual or any of its sections should be used for short-term reference only.

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